
I loaded a 15-foot U-Haul with our furniture and pointed it southwest.

The sun went down at 8:49pm, the moon is in its last quarter, and tonight I'm wondering if the health of a society can be pegged to the nerves of its motorists.

The Lake Forest Oasis Service Plaza on Interstate 94 is one of my favorite moments in America. It’s a modern marvel where you can eat fast food on top of eight lanes of freeway traffic, hypnotized by an 80mph river of concrete, steel, and glass. Built in 1959, this

A ten-hour drive out of New York into the woods of the Midwest. I’ve missed the heat and hum of the road. I even enjoyed the endless stretch of Pennsylvania, where the highway is choked with Amazon trucks and speed traps. While pumping gas, I closed my eyes and

While researching a few details for my novel this afternoon, I came across a declassified CIA document about detaching from time and space through experiments with “color breathing” and “energy balloons.” There’s also a discussion about weaponizing Tibetan metaphysics and techniques involving the frequencies of an air conditioner. It

Sometimes I dream about tollbooth operators, the half-glimpsed faces with cigarettes nodding on their lips, their left hands forever clutching a quarter and a dime in change. They are the interstate’s guardians, the nation’s unmoved movers among the restless current of people going someplace else. After looking into

You can never see further than your headlights—an old slice of trucker philosophy that makes more sense with each passing year, the way I move through life, pretending that I know where the road is heading even though I never have a clue. Time and again, I must learn