I spent the first weeks of January cobbling together my favorite running songs because I needed some solid entertainment to keep me moving through the desert's scale and monotony.
My running life is messy: long stretches of moaning while I drag myself along, interrupted by occasional bursts of speediness. This mix reflects my style: speedy songs (Tuxedomoon, Demdike Stare), chugging songs (Thomas Brinkmann, Vainqueuer), and abrupt shifts in tempo. There are no biometric rhythms here, just peaks and valleys.
I need distraction when I run, so there's a lot of swirling reverb, mumbling AM radio voices, and trails of static. I extended a few favorite breaks, trimmed some songs in half, and added layers until the thing served my needs. It starts slow, gets going at the 7-minute mark, and if I gut it out to the end, there's a psychedelic classic to carry me home on wobbly legs.
This hour-long mix works well for a five-mile run or a couple of three-mile runs, and it includes plenty of time for shoe-tying, cursing, dithering, and even a bit of stretching if you do that sort of thing. But cheetahs don't stretch.
- Thomas Brinkmann - VR 01 01 02 00
Minus, 1998 - Sandra Electronics - It Slipped Her Mind
Minimal Wave, 2014 - Public Image Ltd - Flowers of Romance
Virgin, 1981 - Adult. - Silver Screen Shower Scene (Remix)
City Rockers, 2001 - Tuxedomoon - No Tears (Continous Mode Mix)
International Deejay Gigolo Records, 2001 - Aural Indifference - Park
Minimal Wave, 1981 - Cranes - Beautiful Friend
Dedicated, 1994 - Demdike Stare - Hashshashin Chant
Modern Love, 2010 - Squarepusher - Love Wil Tear Us Apart
Warp, 2002 - The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me
Philles, 1963 - Vainqueur - Elevations II (Reprise)
Chain Reaction, 1997 - Martin Dupont - I Met the Beast
Lice Records, 1985 - Muslimgauze - Sandtrafikar
Staalplaat, 1997 - Suicide - Devastation
Chapter 22, 1988 - Shackleton – Blood On My Hands (Ricardo Villalobos Mix)
Skull Disco, 2007 - 13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House
International Artists, 1967 - Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (Atlas Minor Loop)
RCA Victor, 1967
James A. Reeves - Desert Run I
2023 | 59:59 | Download